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Migrate LaTeX math formula from Confluence DC/Server to Cloud

If you have an LaTeX based app for math formula in Confluence Server or Data Center (DC), you can seamlessly migrate the data to cloud app LaTeX Math for Confluence - Math Formula & Equations

These apps are supported out of the box:

  1. Mathjax by Keysight Technologies

These apps can be migrated following the migration process:

  1. LaTeX and Mathjax by The Plugin People

  2. LaTeX Math by Appfire

Other apps are also supported using advanced migration feature, please contact our support team 💌 for quick assessment.

Migration Steps

The migration process involves two steps.

  1. Migrate Confluence DC/Server to Cloud

  2. Migrate LaTeX based formula to our app LaTeX Math for Confluence

1. Migrate DC/Server to Confluence Cloud

You can use Atlassian Migration Assistant to migrate all data from DC/Server to Cloud. Atlassian has extensive documentation about this tool here: Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant

The important thing in this step is to NOT include LaTeX app in the migration. That is because these apps store data in the page itself and when a space is migrated, app data is also migrated to cloud.

You can mark these apps as 'Not needed in the cloud' on assessment window. Again, this is because macro data from these apps is part of the page where they are inserted and will be included in the parent space migration.


Migration to cloud app assessment


Migration to cloud app selection

These are the only important parameters in the migration process. Once migration is run, you can go to the cloud site, and it should display 'unknown macro' message in the pages where formula were included.


Confluence page migrated from DC/Server

This is expected as the apps are not included. You can now proceed to next step in the migration process.

2. Migrate LaTeX based formula to LaTeX Math for Confluence

You can migrate these formulas to LaTeX Math for Confluence using the built-in migration feature. This feature can also be used to migrate from another cloud app.


Migrate LaTeX formula to LaTeX Math for Confluence

You can find all the pages and spaces where formula are included in Confluence Administration → Data Management → Macro Usage

If you need any help before, during and after the migration, please feel free to reach out to us at 💌

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