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Known Issues and Limitations

Currently, Markdown Exporter has some known limitations. We are constantly working to improve the app. The issues and limitations will be fixed whenever possible.

Images and attachments in Excerpt Include macro cannot be exported

If you are using Excerpt Include (insert excerpt below) macro to include content that has images and attachments, they are not exported.


Excerpt Macros

That is because they are not part of the page attachments. However, it can be exported from the source page where the main “Excerpt” macro is added.

Page tree macro is not supported

This app currently does not support exporting pages inside “Page tree” macro. As a workaround, please use “Child Pages (Children Display)” macro, which has the same features as page tree macro.


Page tree export outcome

Header image cannot be exported

The header image on a Confluence page cannot be exported because the image is not part of the page’s attachment.

As a workaround, please attach the image onto the page with More Actions(…) → Attachments → Files → Under “Attach Files” choose Upload.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.